Do we need new strategies to reach men as victims of violence?

Bianca Biwer
Andreas Haase
man-o-mann Männerberatung im VSGB e.V.
Meinolf Hartmann
fairmann gUG
Jana Peters
Bundesfach- und Koordinierungsstelle Männergewaltschutz bei der Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Jungen- und Männerarbeit Sachsen e.V.
Klaus Schwerma
Bundesforum Männer - Interessenverband für Jungen, Männer & Väter e.V.

Scientific discourses and political debates on the topic of intimate partner violence have been taking place in our society for several decades, yet the topic of violence against men is still often seen as a taboo subject. Only a few affected men have taken advantage of professional support and counselling so far. This panel will provide insights into the existing counselling services for men affected by violence. Furthermore, it will be discussed which hurdles affected men have to overcome in order to get the support they need. Is there a need for an improved help and counselling structure? What role do images of masculinity play and how can those affected be better reached with offers of help?
Bianca Biwer
Andreas Haase
Meinolf Hartmann
Jana Peters
Klaus Schwerma


Tuesday 13th of June 2023
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Room: Mozart-Saal