Application for a Presentation on Demand (PoD) - information

A PoD (Presentation on Demand) is a digital presentation for download. PoDs are made available to the congress audience online on our website. They can cover all areas of prevention as well as the main topic „Prevention and social peace“. An overview of the prevention topics can be found here.

A PoD can be
- a written version of your presentation as PDF and/or
- a self-produced video of your presentation and/or
- a detailed and informative PowerPoint presentation

There are no restrictions regarding the length of the presentation. You can upload your PoD and any other materials directly into our system. You will receive the access data after your application has been confirmed.

Application deadline: The acceptance of a PoD application is possible until the Congress on 23 June 2025.

The fees for a commercial PoD are 250 € + VAT.

Congress fees
As a contributor you will receive a congress ticket at the reduced price for contributors (205 €). Additional speakers will have to pay the regular rate to visit the congress (230 € early bird rate until 31 December 2024; 260 € standard rate from 1 January to 15 May 2025; 270 € from 16 May 2025).

Apply for a Presentation on Demand ›››

Further Information: