Transnational Organised Crime: Challenges to Criminal Justice Functionaries

The phenomenon of Transnational Organised Crime has been assuming disturbing proportions, all over the world. Increasing trend of Globalization, Urbanization and Industrialization has been helping organized crime offenders to develop transnational linkages. They take advantage of the differences between legal systems of various nations, incapacity of sovereign nations to work in close co-operation with one another and have been posing multi-faceted threats to the Criminal Justice Functionaries.

In this background the lecture will be delivered in three parts. Part one will include brief introduction about definition and theories relating to organised crime helpful in understanding the challenges faced by Criminal Justice Functionaries in investigation and prosecution of offenders involved in transnational organised crime. Part two will focus on the analysis of important provisions of United Nation Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, 2000, role of Model Treaty on Extradition, 1990 and Model Treaty on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, 1999 in extradition of offenders, mutual legal assistance in transnational organised crime cases. The third part will include recommendations for better cooperation in effective investigation, speedy extradition of offenders etc.
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Extract from the book
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verwandte Schlüsselbegriffe

international crime prevention organisierte Kriminalität