27th session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ)
The Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ) was established upon request of General Assembly (GA) resolution 46/152, as one of its functional commissions. The Commission acts as the principal policymaking body of the United Nations in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice.
In 2006, the GA adopted resolution 61/252, which further expanded the mandates of the CCPCJ to enable it to function as a governing body of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and to approve the budget of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Fund, which provides resources for technical assistance in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice worldwide. The CCPCJ coordinates with other United Nations bodies that have specific mandates in the areas of crime prevention and criminal justice and is the preparatory body to the United Nations Crime Congresses. Declarations adopted by the congresses are transmitted through the CCPCJ and the ECOSOC to the GA for endorsement. The CCPCJ implements the outcome of the congresses into concrete action through decisions and resolutions, many of which are recommended for adoption by the ECOSOC or, through the ECOSOC, by the GA.
From May 14th to 18th the Twenty-seventh session is held in Vienna. The thematic discussion will be on the subject of "Criminal justice responses to prevent and counter cybercrime in all its forms, including through the strengthening of cooperation at the national and international levels".