Security, Democracy and Cities – Co-producing urban security policies
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The Security, Democracy and Cities – Co-producing urban security policies manifesto expresses the common principles and values that underpin the European Forum for Urban Security, which is a city network with around 250 member cities all over Europe. It is meant to be a source of support and inspiration for local authorities when designing and promoting their security policies. It is also meant to express the views of local elected officials to national, European and international institutions. Finally, it serves as a support of debate with European citizens with the aim of encouraging their active involvement.
Local and regional authorities member of Efus thus call for involving all these stakeholders not only in the implementation but also the design of security policies. They call for co-production mechanisms that involve civil society in all its diversity. In particular, women, young people, seniors and groups of population that are victim of discriminatory violence should not be mere passive targets of prevention measures but rather play an active role in security policies.
They recall that security policies must be founded on the respect and defence of fundamental rights, the rule of law, democratic legitimacy and the principle of the welfare state. They stress the need to counter social and economic inequalities, which remain too widespread in Europe. These inequalities create resentment, which in turn can degenerate into violence, crime or even violent extremism.
Lastly, they recall the importance of crime prevention as a rational, strategic, and cost-effective option.
The manifesto was adopted at the end of the eponymous conference organised by the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus), the City of Barcelona and the Government of Catalonia on 15-17 November 2017, in Barcelona.
The Manifesto is now available online in seven languages: CZ-DE-EL-EN-ES-FR-IT-NL-PL-PT.