Local and regional governments and metropolitan regions offer partnership to the G7 leaders
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The upcoming G7 Summit will be held on 7-8 June in Charlevoix, Canada. On the occasion of this event, mayors and leaders of local and regional governments, and metropolitan regions as the closest level of government to the people, representing thousands of cities globally offer their support to address the range of critical issues facing your nations and, indeed, facing nations around the world.
One urgent matter the cities address is the need to build a more peaceful and secure world. Cities are often where conflict plays out. Mayors and local leaders are well positioned to promote safer cities for all and they already do. But there are deep issues and root problems which will require strong leadership and action by national authorities.
Around the world, urban areas are too often the theatre of human tragedies and destruction caused by war, conflict and terror attacks. City leaders all over the world encourage the G7 states to pursue collaborative efforts to ensure international peace, security and disarmament.
The open letter is written and support by many relevant international organisations representing the interests of cities and local governments.
Click here to read the full letter.