
Institute for Global City Policing

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Global cities are centres of social, economic and political influence. Major conurbations such as London, Beijing, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and Tokyo are highly integrated into the world economy, maintain heavy concentrations of financial, cultural and other forms of capital, host centres of political power, and are home to some of the best educational, legal, medical and entertainment facilities in the world.

Issues of crime and disorder in global cities bring into sharp focus the challenges facing all police in the 21st Century. Community safety and local policing are essential to maintaining their status and influence; yet at the other extreme international events often have major implications. Particular policing challenges faced by global cities include reducing harm and vulnerability, financial crime, cybercrime, terrorism, and public confidence, community cohesion and public order.

The Institute for Global City Policing (IGCP) is an independent centre based at the UCL Jill Dando Institute of Security and Crime Science, funded and managed in partnership with the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) of the City of London. 

The institute will conduct research, enable the mutual exchange of information and knowledge between academia and policing services via the network of London universities, including contributing to police training and professional development and provide postgraduate and professional practitioner fellowships in policing.
Further details on IGCP can be found on the website.






Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.