
6th International Report on Crime Prevention and Community Safety: Preventing Cybercrime

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The sixth edition of the International Report is concerned with the overarching theme of cybercrime and how does one prevent it. As in previous publications of the International Centre for the Prevention of Crime (ICPC), this new edition starts with an international overview of crime and its prevention. Four separate chapters then look in more detail at cybercrime-related issues such as crime in a digital world, cybercrimes, cybercriminals and cybervictims, cybercrime prevention approaches and public-private partnerships in cybercrime prevention.

Published every two years since 2008 'The International Report' provides essential information and tools to help governments, local authorities, international organizations and practitioners implement successful crime prevention policies in their countries, cities and communities. 

Download report in English, French or Spanish on the ICPC website

Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.