The impact of a parenting programme for the early prevention of violence against children in Uganda
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The truth is that violence against women (VAW) and children (VAC) are preventable. By addressing the root causes of violence we can stop it from happening in the first place (Dartnall & Gevers, 2015). Worldwide, one billion children experience some form of violence and/or neglect; most of these occurring in Asia and Africa (Hills et al 2016). Out of all the deaths occurring to children due to injury and violence, 95% are in low and middle income countries (WHO, 2014). Approximately four in ten female and six in ten male Ugandan children experience physical violence and 35% Ugandan girls and 17% Ugandan boys experience sexual violence (MoGLSD 2018). The drivers of VAC and VAW are multi-faceted and inter-linked. They originate from unequal gender and social norms, as well as early adverse childhood experiences, including poor attachment and exposures to and witnessing violence.