
International Police Executive Symposium

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The International Police Executive Symposium (IPES) brings police researchers and practitioners together to facilitate cross-cultural, international and interdisciplinary exchanges for the enrichment of the policing profession. It encourages discussions and writing on challenging topics of contemporary importance through an array of initiatives including conferences and publications.

This year the focus of the symposium lays on the contemporary challenges facing the police:
1. Service provided to the people: Are police required to solve all problems?
2. Democratic policing when democracy seems in retreat: Can police help moderate this trend or is it inevitable that they will shift with the ill wind?
3. Police, the New Harmscapes and Justice: How can we come together to fight the new harmscapes?
4. PTSD, Stress-Related Disorders and their Impact on Policing: Best treatments and outcomes.

The 30th Annual Meeting of the INTERNATIONAL POLICE EXECUTIVE SYMPOSIUM will be held in Belgrad, Serbia from June 30 to July 5, 2019.

Abstracts for papers, panels and round tables should be sent to IPESChair2019@ipes.info.

More information and registration on the IPES website.

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