
Evaluating Sexual Violence Prevention Work

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The goal of this toolkit is to increase the capacity to implement program evaluation for sexual violence prevention work by providing tools and guidance for both program implementers and those who support them.

Evaluation is a vast and diverse field of practice. Properly implemented and integrated with program implementation, it can help us do every aspect of our jobs better, and enable us to create deep and lasting change in our communities. Because there are so many types of evaluation and methods that can be used, the process of developing and implementing the appropriate evaluation for our work can sometimes feel overwhelming or not worthwhile. Sometimes when planning an evaluation we pick the easiest method, even if it is not the most useful for the context and content of our work. The purpose of this toolkit is to present you with evaluation tools that are accessible, implementation processes that are reasonable, and guidance on selecting the most effective methods for your evaluation tasks.

This toolkit offers guidance on evaluation within the context of primary prevention. This toolkit will equip you as prevention workers at the local and state levels with the knowledge and skills necessary to make strategic decisions about evaluation, including

  • designing and implementing evaluation of primary prevention programs,
  • providing support to others doing evaluation work,
  • understanding the language of evaluation to engage with consultants or other partners.

In each section of the toolkit, you will find one or more of the following to assist you in your capacity building efforts. Look for the icons to link you to more information.

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