
Public spaces: new challenges that require a genuine co-production of urban security

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Public spaces are vital areas of urban life: the citizens occupy these multi-functional spaces for different uses that vary in time but also during different times of the day and at night. Places for communication, meeting, political demonstrations, artistic and cultural performances and all sorts of entertainment, public spaces are vulnerable to a multitude of problems, however: incivilities, shared between different categories of the population for different uses, and difficulty to fully secure such places during large gatherings or events, especially against terrorist threats.

These characteristics give public spaces a specific status in the domain of urban security: effectively, they require a security policy that is based on genuine cooperation between the different organisations and institutions concerned (local authorities, police, emergency services, user representatives...), for instance a co-production of security that guarantees that this type of urban place is both safe and open and accessible for everyone.

The European Forum for Urban Security (EFUS) stands for the co-production of urban security.

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