
Call for Papers: XIX World Congress of Criminology

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The World Congress of Criminology is the foremost worldwide criminology event that brings together the best academics, researchers, professionals and policy makers to discuss the most relevant and current issues related to crime and deviance and their prevention under the aegis of the International Society of Criminology. This year the congress will take place in Doha, Qatar from October 27 to 31, 2019.

The theme of the XIX Congress is: Science, Technology and Teaching in Criminology: Researching, Investigating and Preventing Crime. An emphasis on teaching and/or educating on rule of law related matters is encouraged. However, presentations on any topic related to criminology, victimology, criminal justice, forensic science, crime investigation and prevention, are welcome.

Proposals will be accepted on a rolling, first come-first served basis. Therefore it is best to send proposals as soon as possible to ensure that they can be properly scheduled. Proposals sent after August 15 will be considered to the extent possible. Presenters should plan to be in Doha during the entire period of the Congress so that there are no problems with the scheduling of their presentation.

Submission deadline is August, 15 2019.

See details


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