
Evaluation Criteria for the Prevention of Islamism

How can we determine the effects of preventive interventions in the area of Islamist extremism? And how can we facilitate comparability between different interventions and evaluations? Evaluation Criteria for the Prevention of Islamism (EvIs) aims to bring us one step closer to answering these questions by providing a set of standardized criteria for evaluating interventions in the area of Preventing Violent Islamist Extremism.

This manual elaborated by the National Center for Crime Prevention Germany contains a collection of 38 indicators that can be related to processes of turning towards Islamist extremism. They are based on the knowledge of practitioners from different areas of prevention in Germany. Designed as a modular system, EvIs can be tailored to different types of interventions and focuses on the individual development of each participant.

You can download the EvIs Manual here.

Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.