
Call for Projects: European Crime Prevention Award and Best Practice Conference 2020

The German Presidency of the EUCPN will focus on family-based organised crime. The ECPA focuses on groups whose members are related by family or family-like relations (such as clans). Younger family members are socialised in a criminal, often violent environment. It is very difficult for law enforcement, but also for prevention initiatives to penetrate these groups.

The German ECPA topic is about reaching out to such groups in order to break this cycle. Possible entries are measures starting at an earlier point in a person’s biography to interrupt the criminal pathways of young people. This may include sports and cultural activities or improving the perception of alternative ways of life (e.g. mandatory participation in preschool, assistance in school, vocational training and higher education) among affected groups.

Participation in the ECPA is open to any project, initiative or package of measures. An objective of the project must be to reduce crime and the fear of crime within the specified theme. Entries can originate from, for example: local authorities, the police, educational institutions, community groups, sports clubs, youth organisations, business community, probation service, neighbourhood watch schemes, parish councils, public transport operators, voluntary organisations/groups etc.

The European Crime Prevention Award (ECPA) and Best Practice Conference (BPC) will take place on 2 - 4 December 2020 in Berlin, Germany. The theme is family-based organised crime.

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Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.