
CoronaCrime #70

More news about the topic

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a terrible toll on lives, illness, and economic devastation and it is having diverse effects on violence and crime. Daily Prevention News publishes weekly a Corona Crime Issue dedicated to collect related news and information.

  1. Child protection post-pandemic: Asking bigger questions
    COVID-19 has obliged a painful reckoning with the destructiveness of our contemporary ecological, economic and social practices. A light has been shone on the inequalities scarring our landscape as it has become increasingly apparent that while we are all in the same storm, we are not all in the same boat. Source: Transforming Society
  2. Unequal pandemic, fairer recovery
    The COVID-19 impact inquiry report, produced by the Health Foundation's COVID-19 impact inquiry, is a comprehensive review of the factors that fuelled the UK’s COVID-19 death toll. Although the pandemic is still ongoing, this report explores these impacts and the range of different, intersecting factors influencing them. It provides an initial assessment of the effects of the pandemic using evidence available up to May 2021. Source: Health Foundation
  3. Colonialism and foreign interventions have driven distrust during the pandemic in eastern DRC
    During outbreaks of the COVID-19 pandemic in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, responses to the virus were affected by people’s distrust towards elites, international organisations and medical authorities. A long history of foreign interventions, colonialism and racist attitudes towards local populations are among factors driving these attitudes, with real-world effects on families in need of medical support. Source: London School of Economics and Political Science
  4. Living with a disability through the pandemic
    Across the world 1 billion people live with disabilities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, they have been hit harder than most, and activists say this is being overlooked. Source: Vimeo

Please find more information and news about the interlinkages between the Coronavirus, Crime and Violence in German published every Tuesday on our German News Service Tägliche Präventions News.

Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.