
CoronaCrime #79

More news about the topic

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a terrible toll on lives, illness, and economic devastation and it is having diverse effects on violence and crime. Daily Prevention News publishes weekly a Corona Crime Issue dedicated to collect related news and information.

  1. Post-Pandemic Cities: Recovery, Transition, and Renewal
    On October 21-23, mayors from around the world, convened by the Global Parliament of Mayors, gathered virtually in Palermo, Italy to chart a path forward for leadership in the post-COVID era. Source: Diplomatic Courier
  2. Webinar: ICCT Live Briefing: Impact of Covid on Violent Non-State Actors
    The COVID-19 pandemic has radically transformed the security landscape, shaping the actions of both terrorist and counter-terrorist actors. To evaluate and predict these changes induced by the COVID-19 Pandemic, researchers at Leiden University have surveyed 142 terrorism experts. On November 18, 2021, the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism will share their research results in an online Live Briefing. Source: International Centre for Counter-Terrorism
  3. Protest against Corona rules and measures worldwide
    As COVID hospital admissions rise and governments look at new measures to control infection rates, in some countries protests have erupted at the prospect of stricter regulations and increased reliance on vaccines.
    New Zealand
  4. Pandemic Surveillance and Racial Bias
    Surveillance technology employed during the pandemic has disproportionately targeted people of color, leading to a normalization of both “racial discrimination and inequality,” according to a University of Pittsburgh law professor. Source: The Crime Report

Please find more information and news about the interlinkages between the Coronavirus, Crime and Violence in German published every Tuesday on our German News Service Tägliche Präventions News.

Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.