
A problem-oriented approach to High Impact Crime

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High Impact Crime (HIC) such as violent assault, robbery and burglary impact negatively on citizens and their communities. The impact on victims and wider society is huge.

Traditional approaches to High Impact Crime have tended to focus on police action alone, often using technological systems like Predictive Policing to analyse police data and local intelligence. However, a local, multi-stakeholder approach is more effective.

While it may sound simple, working in partnership presents a number of challenges. Organisations with different interests, systems, cultures and resources must follow a common process to establish shared goals, identify and plan evidence-based responses to problems and act in a well-orchestrated manner to implement solutions. In addition, partnership working requires the sharing of data on safety and security.

The Tool, developed within the CCI project, supports the police, municipalities, public prosecutor, citizens, businesses and other organisations to work together through the phases of the SARA problem-solving method (Scanning, Analysis, Response and Assessment) to reduce and prevent High Impact Crime.

Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.