
DPT-TV: Child Protection

More news about the topic

DPT-TV Programme of the week for our international audience:

June 22, 2022 – 11.00 am CEST
News and reports from the field of prevention
Every Wednesday DPT-TV presents 10 minutes of “DPT-News” reporting and discussing current prevention topics. The DPT-News part is freely accessibly and does not require registration. Find all the past DPT-News on our Youtube Channel. From April onwards DPT-News are translated into English.

June 22, 2022 – 11.10 am CEST
Child and Youth Protection between the Code of Social Law and the Penal Code (Saskia Lanser, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendschutz NRW e.V.)
The lecture deals with the difficulties that can arise in the context of preventing extremism or radicalisation in practical work with young people. For example, a violation of the law can quickly arise when a forbidden symbol or video harmful to young people is sent to friends in chats. But what legal circumstances must be taken into account when educational child and youth protection meets legal protection? Youth welfare professionals are often unsure how to proceed in individual cases when certain issues arise in their institutions. It is also difficult to distinguish between an unreflective statement or a firm opinion when the intervention varies accordingly. A question often asked in practice is: How can young people be equally protected and supported in a way that is appropriate to the situation without ignoring legal circumstances? Along with the mission fields, the educational protection of children and young people focuses on empowering, supporting and promoting the self-efficacy of young people. The lecture will discuss options for action along the lines of the question of which aspects must be taken into account in dealing with extremism in youth welfare.

June 22, 2022 – 11.40 am CEST
Prevention in the social space Social media
(Adrian Stuiber, AVP e.V.)
Between media competence and radicalisation prevention: After a brief overview of social networks as a social space for children and young people and as a catalyst for radicalisation processes, Acceptance, Trust, Perspective (AVP) e.V., with its three prevention projects streetwork@online, Local Streetwork On/Off and the Center for Education on Online Prevention in Social Networks (CEOPS), presents various approaches and services that address this complex and highly relevant field. The focus is on outreach youth work in the phenomenon area of religiously based extremism with digital (online streetwork) and hybrid (blended streetwork) approaches to relationship work and a free range of multiplier training for different target groups.

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Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.