
Call for book proposals: Research in Rural Crime

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Myths about peaceful, crime-free areas beyond the cityscape persist, but in fact rural crime is multi-faceted, raising new policy predicaments about policing and security governance. With approximately 46 percent of the global population living in rural areas, a focus on rural crime in these diverse communities is critical.

Filling a gap in the discipline, the Research in Rural Crime series provides an outlet for original, cutting-edge research in this emergent criminological subfield.

Truly international in nature, it leads the way for new research and writing on a wide range of rural crime topics, rural transgressions, security and justice. We welcome monograph-length titles that are jurisdictional specific or related to themes that transcend political and juridical boundaries, presenting outlooks on contemporary and pressing public policy issues.

Contributors to this series present pioneering interdisciplinary and comparative rural criminological perspectives. Titles will be theoretically and conceptually driven, empirical or adopting mixed-methods approaches, and topics will focus on regional, rural and remote parts of the globe that are often overlooked in criminological works.

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