
United Nations University : #InterconnectedRisks report

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In 2021/2022, the world yet again witnessed catastrophic disasters happening around the globe, from record-breaking heat to floods, extreme droughts, wildfires and earthquakes. From Europe to Asia, America to Africa, nowhere is immune. As climate change is here to stay and its impacts are increasingly felt, the challenges for disaster risk reduction will only grow in the future and be intensified by the impacts of loss of nature and vanishing biodiversity. Solutions are already being implemented around the world to address risks, but interconnectivity is not yet placed at the heart of solution design and implementation.

Interconnected Disaster Risks is an annual science-based report for the general public from the United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security, first published in 2021. Recognizing that disasters are occurring at an ever faster rate despite progress being made in how we prepare and respond to them, we are continuously being caught-out by new extremes and new emerging threats. The report analyses ten disasters each year and analyses how they are interconnected with each other and with human actions. It seeks to explain the interconnections that might otherwise be missed, and describes how we can develop solutions to use these connections to our advantage. At the same time, the report is based on thorough scientific analysis and includes technical background reports for each of the ten disasters.

Learn more about the new report

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