The Stockholm Criminology Symposium: Call for presentations
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Beatriz Magaloni (Mexico/USA) has been awarded the Stockholm Prize in Criminology 2023. Through her research, mainly from Mexico and Brazil about the relation between poverty and how society is governed, she has demonstrated the risks with legal uncertain methods and violence by the police. Results have contributed to a reform in Mexico for reduced use of torture.
Following the research interest of the prize winner, the main symposium theme will be Principled and equitable law enforcement. In 2023 they will also have a second theme which is Evidence-based knowledge against violent extremism. As ususal, there is also a general theme, Contemporary criminology, which covers a broad range of subjects in the area of criminology and for which this year, special attention will be paid within this theme to contributions focused on environmental criminology.
All abstracts must be submitted by February 28, 2023.