
What should cities guarantee for women?

In 2019, we had a long international process of consultations and input from more than 29 organizations and networks from all regions to produce the Women’s Right to the City Manifesto. It was a great collective work where all the different dimensions necessary to advance towards gender equality and Women’s Right to the City were included.

The Manifesto points to the need for measures to combat discrimination against women and girls; the importance to ensure their political participation; access to adequate housing; the urgency of enjoying cities free of violence, the ability to develop their full economic, social, political and cultural capacities and to recognize and compensate care work in households and communities.

We will enjoy a better world if women could develop their full potential, are allowed to participate at all decision-making levels in the political, social, cultural, economic and public dimensions of life; feel safe and free; have affordable access to an adequate housing and public services; care work is redistributed and included in public policies; have equality in employment, dignity and income; have a voice in the process of planning, producing and using urban spaces; their diversity is recognized and respected; and are treated with gender equality.

Read the 11 central points of the Women’s Right to the City Manifesto


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