
Opioid crisis has reached Denmark – more young people are seeking help

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Treatment centers across the country report that more young people under the age of 30 come with prescription drug abuse. 40 out of 47 treatment centers find that more young people are seeking help for an abuse of opioids, according to DR.

“We have only seen the tip of the iceberg. Already in September, we had as many young people under the age of 30 in treatment for opioid abuse as we had all of last year.” says Morten Aagaard, head of department at Drug Center Aarhus.

Opioids are painkillers intended to treat severe pain. The pills are highly addictive, related to heroin and require a doctor’s prescription. The pills are legal if they come from the pharmacy, but according to research, they are also sold outside doctors and pharmacies to people who want to get a buzz.

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