
Eucrim: European Law Forum

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Eucrim is an online platform that serves as a Europe-wide forum for European criminal and "criministrative" law and intends to encourage discussion among both practitioners and academics. It is addressed to the "pénalistes européens/européennes", to the Members of the Associations of Lawyers of European Criminal Law and the Associations for the Protection of the EU's Financial Interests, as well as all interested parties.

Eucrim contains both news on current developments in European criminal law and articles. Four times per year a journal is published with the news and articles that you also find on this website. The articles regularly refer to a focal topic of an eucrim issue. Eucrim is edited by the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law, Freiburg/Germany and co-financed by the European Commission, European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).

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Eucrim gladly publishes interesting contributions that provide information on unique developments in your country, debate a hotly discussed topic, report on a conference, etc.

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