
Latin America: several countries look to combat gang violence by fighting fire with fire

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Gangs have an enduring presence in Latin America. They have existed as power brokers, illicit economic actors and spoilers in the developmental processes of several countries. And yet, despite their power and influence, the gangs have long been regarded merely as irritants – always present but never strong enough to rock the boat.

Fast forward to the present day and we are presented with a whole new configuration. Criminal gangs have become a critical power to reckon with. From island nations like Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago to big economic powerhouses such as Brazil and Mexico, gang menace is spreading fast.

In some instances, gangs have come to challenge the very existence of governments in the region. Haiti’s criminal gangs unseated the government in early 2024 and took the country to ransom. And in Ecuador, which was once lauded as one of the safest countries in Latin America, the government is fighting a battle for its survival against gangs who are fast encroaching upon the power of the state.

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