
Today’s school children practice running for their lives – but there are better ways to keep students safe from shooters

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In the quarter-century since the Columbine High School massacre of April 20, 1999, a whole generation of children, have lived under the threat of school-related gun violence. More recent tragedies, like those occurring at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut in December 2012 and Robb Elementary School in Texas in May 2022, reveal the persistent nature of this threat.

Regrettably, gun violence stands at the backdrop of all contemporary American education. As such, active shooter and intruder drills have become standard fare.

As a researcher in developmental and educational psychology – and as a faculty member who trains future teachers – I understand the need for schools to ensure the safety and security of the nation’s 55 million school-age youth. But might there be a better way to protect children in the post-Columbine era?

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