
Designing, Implementing, and Utilising Effective Evaluation of PVE/CVE/De-Radicalisation

The INDEED online self-paced E-Learning Course Designing, Implementing, and Utilising Effective Evaluation of PVE/CVE/De-Radicalisation Initiatives has been designed for wide-spread use by practitioners, policy makers and all sectors working in preventing and countering violent extremism.

The course is free, open to all, and can be taken at your own pace to meet participants’ needs and contexts. While the course is currently available only in English, it will shortly be translated and available in French, Spanish, German, Polish, Romanian, Italian, Greek, Latvian and Bulgarian. Government Ministries, local and regional authorities, Law Enforcement Agencies, Educational Institutions, Social Services, NGOs and all actors (state and non-state) working on addressing violent extremism and radicalisation may use the course freely for all staff and partners to raise professional capabilities and knowledge on evidence-based evaluation in the field.

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Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.