
DPT-TV is back: Violence Prevention and Cyber Bullying

More news about the topic

Programme for our international audience on September 7

11.00 am CEST
News and reports from the field of prevention
Every Wednesday DPT-TV presents 10 minutes of “DPT-News” reporting and discussing current prevention topics. The DPT-News part is freely accessibly and does not require registration. Find all the past DPT-News on our Youtube Channel. From April onwards DPT-News are translated into English.

11.10 am CEST
20 Years "Network against Violence Hesse"

Konstanze Schmidt, Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sports

Young people and the issue of violence are always in the public spotlight, not infrequently combined with calls for more repression. How can sustainable violence prevention succeed? Acting together - achieving more! Against this background, the interdepartmental violence prevention initiative of the Hessian state government, the "Network Against Violence", was founded in 2002. Violence prevention can only have a lasting effect if it is understood as a task for society as a whole. Based on this premise, the network carries out its mission to further develop violence prevention in Hesse by establishing and promoting statewide and regional networks.

11.40 am CEST
ChatScouts - Together against Cyberbullying!
Ilka Germar, State Office of Criminal Investigation Lower Saxony

A project for the implementation of prevention against (cyber-)bullying in elementary schools is presented. It was developed in cooperation with the Regional Offices for Schools and Education, the Criminological Research Center of the State Criminal Police Office of Lower Saxony and with the support of experts from JUUUPORT e.V. by the Central Office for Youth Affairs of the State Criminal Police Office of Lower Saxony. ChatScouts – Together against Cyberbullying! offers a common working basis and background knowledge around (cyber)bullying - for teachers, social pedagogues as well as for prevention officers of the police. It is a prevention program for children in the third and fourth grades of elementary school.

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The registration gives you access to the online DPT-TV from April till November this year and serves as the ticket for our in-situ congress in Hannover, Germany, on October 4th & 5th.

Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.