Kongressprogramm 29. DPT

Die implizite und explizite Wahrnehmung von Sicherheitsmaßna

Universität Hamburg und University of Coventry

PhD Candidate International Criminology Sergio Masbernat
Uni Hamburg

In recent years, fear of crime has become a central concern for criminologists, policymakers, and the public, leading to intensified security measures, including CCTV.
The study aims to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of CCTV on citizens' sense of security. Both implicit (unconscious) and explicit (conscious) evaluation methods are used to avoid potential social desirability biases and validate previous findings.
The study reveals that public opinion on CCTV is influenced by a variety of factors. Of particular interest is the discrepancy between explicit and implicit assessments, suggesting that perceptions of CCTV may be more complex than previously assumed. Our study confirms for Germany the difference between implicit and explicit attitudes towards CCTV described in the Semantic Analysis by Freese and Kestermann (2016).

The results emphasize the importance of a comprehensive assessment of CCTV effects. By combining implicit and explicit evaluation methods, potential biases can be avoided, and a more accurate picture of public opinion can be obtained.
PhD Candidate International Criminology Sergio Masbernat
PhD Candidate International Criminology Sergio Masbernat

Sergio Masbernat
Phd Candidate International Criminology, Graduate School, University of Hamburg
MA International Criminology, University of Hamburg
Dipl. Economics and Business Administration, University UAHC, Santiago de Chile
2017 – now: Doctoral candidate for International Criminology, Graduate School, University of Hamburg
Titel ‚Kriminalität – der Preis der Freiheit? Kriminalitätsentwicklung im Kontext sozialen Umbruchs’;
Focused on: quantitative- and qualitative Methods, Discourse Analysis, Bibliometric Analysis, Expert Interviews, Dark
field Research
2013 – 2017: Master of Arts, International Criminology, University of Hamburg
Masterarbeit ‘Victimisation: empirical research and politics of public security’
2001 – 2007: Dipl. Economics and Business Administration, University UAHC, Santiago de Chile
2015 – now:
Institute IfBQ, Institut für Bildungsmonitoring und Qualitätsentwicklung, Hamburg, working in the internal evaluation and
longitudinal study KESS.

Uni Hamburg
Allende-platz 1
20146 Hamburg
10. + 11. Juni 2024

Dateien (.pdf)