DPT veröffentlicht Band 11 der Reihe "International Perspectives of Crime Prevention"
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Der Deutsche Präventionstag (DPT) hat am 11.12.2020 das folgende Buch (in englischer Sprache) veröffentlicht, das auch als Download hier zur Verfügung steht: Claudia Heinzelmann & Erich Marks (Eds.) International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 11. Contributions from the 12th Annual International Forum 2018 within the German Congress on Crime Prevention and from the International Conference on Prevention of Violence and Extremism (PV&E) Forum Verlag Godesberg, Mönchengladbach 2020, ISBN 978-3-96410-002-3 (print), EAN 9783964100023
I. Lectures and Documents from the 12th Annual International Forum
Erich Marks: As crises become more complex, “prevention must be at the centre of everything we do”– on the occasion of the opening of the 23rd German Congress on Crime Prevention in Dresden
Dirk Baier: Violence and Radicalism – State of Research and Prevention Perspectives
German Congress on Crime Prevention and Congress Partners: Dresden Declaration of the 23rd German Congress on Crime Prevention
Ute Frevert: Prevention Speech 2018 - Violence and Radicalism, Past and Present 125 Triantafyllos Karatrantos Polarisation and Radicalisation in European societies as the outcome of the migration- refugee crisis
S.D. Shanti and Ashley S. Love: A Brief Guide to Integrating Public Health and Crime Prevention: Acting on shared Goals and Opportunities
Harald Weilnböck, Oliver Kossack: Prevention of group hatred and right-wing extremism in Germany and Central and Eastern European – experiences, lessons learnt and ways forward from the European Fair Skills, Fair*in and CEE Prevent Net projects
II. Lectures and Documents from the International Conference on Prevention of Violence and Extremism – PV&E Catrin Trautmann Prevention of Violence and Extremism: International Findings and Approaches
Frank Buchheit: Police Contribution to the Prevention of Violent Extremism in Baden-Württemberg
Lilah Elsayed MENA: Governments’ Efforts for Alternative and Counter-Narratives: Religious and Gender Lens
Christina Foerch Saab: Fighters for Peace Ex-combatants: Lessons learned - “Formers” engage in preventing violence and extremism
Maarten van de Donk: Prevention of radicalisation in the context of prison and probation - insights from the Radicalisation Awareness Network
III. Annex
Programme of the 12th Annual International Forum
Programme of the International Conference on Prevention of Violence and Extremism – PV&E