Berit Kieselbach

Abt. Prevention of Violence / Social Determinants of Health (SDH)

World Health Organization (WHO)
Technical Officer
Avenue Appia 20
01202 Genf

Berit Kieselbach works as Technical Officer on the Prevention of Violence team in the WHO Department for Social Determinants of Health (SDH). She manages the development of normative guidelines and provides technical support to countries on the prevention and health sector response of violence against children. She runs the Secretariat of the Violence Prevention Alliance (VPA) and leads a project to develop the evidence on what works to prevent violence against children online. Berit has an academic background in Psychology (MSc) and Public Health (MPH). Before joining WHO, she worked as health advisor for German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and various humanitarian agencies, supporting cooperation programmes in Asia, Africa and Latin America with a focus on health systems development, mental health and violence prevention.

Berit Kieselbach