Udo Lange

AHT GROUP AG Management & Engineering
Baumstraße 25
45128 Essen
in Nordrhein-Westfalen

Udo Lange, AHT GROUP AG Management & Engineering, Essen, Project Manager

Born in 1959 in Essen. 1986 Graduated Engineer for Urban and Regional Planning (M.Sc.) at the Technical University of Dortmund.

1992 - 1999 Project Manager for GIZ in Brazil, responsible for the participatory urban upgrading of favelas in Porto Alegre and four other cities in Rio Grande do Sul.

1990 – 1992 Lecturer at the faculty of architecture of the Catholic University of Goiàs. Courses on urban development planning.

Accompanies the KfW-funded project “Violence Prevention through Urban Upgrading in Khayelitsha (VPUU)” in Cape Town since the Feasibility Study in 2002, amongst others inputs as to Monitoring & Evaluation.

In 2014 the VPUU project was extended to the province Western Cape.

Udo Lange