"Security, Democracy and Cities" - a new manifesto of European cities on urban security

Elizabeth Johnston
European Forum for Urban Security (Efus)

At a time when Europe and the world are going through an economic crisis, local authorities, institutions and civil society representatives, gathered under the auspices of European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) in Aubervilliers and Saint Denis in December 2012 to reaffirm the importance of prevention to fight against violence and crime. In the new manifesto they adopted, they call for long-term policies to manage opposed to short-term management. They underline that prevention is a rational, strategic and cost-effective option. The Manifesto of Aubervilliers and Saint-Denis adopted at the conference "Security, Democracy and Cities: the Future of Prevention", which gathered 900 participants, will serve as the common policy platform for Efus members for the years to come. It succeeds previous Manifestos published in the wake of Efus' international conferences in Montreal (1989), Paris (1991), Naples (2000) and Saragossa (2006). The principals of the manifesto are complemented by thematic recommendations.


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