Prevention via Ethics

Ran Cohen
SDR® Academy

Proactively identifying criminal intent without resorting to discriminatory profiling and without infringing on people's rights is doable, effective, and needs to be part of a discourse on the ethical duty to improve both security and citizen perception of security throughout the EU. The role of crime prevention is both to keep citizens safe, and to keep them feeling safe. Crime prevention should protect the freedoms and liberties to which all individuals are entitled while inherently preserving individuals’ faith in the system and bolstering policing and security capabilities.

The SDR® methodology underscores the notion that there is no specific mold into which every criminal actor or illicit activity will fit. As such, discriminatory ethnic profiling inevitably distracts from behavioral indicators that are far more telling, more just, and more ethically sound. With SDR®, the key to prevention is heightened basic human awareness, which means that anyone from security personnel to small business owners can have the capabilities to contribute to crime prevention in their own way. As absorption and radicalization raise tensions and pose multifaceted challenges on European, national, regional, and local scales, measures that are simultaneously effective in preventing crime and ensuring high citizen security perception are crucial to maintaining public order and quality of life.

Vortrag in englischer Sprache.
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