Reporting, a tool in the prevention of corruption

Audrey Jean
Quebec Permanent Anti-corruption Unit

In a democracy, the fight against corruption is a responsibility shared among public organisations, private companies, as well as the media, civil society organisms, and the public in general. As citizens, contributing to the fight against corruption mainly requires us to try to remain aware of our public institutions’ practices, and report any corruption or wrongful act against the common welfare. Reporting constitutes a key element to allow the prevention of corruption.

Quebec Permanent Anticorruption Unit (UPAC) is the public entity dedicated to the fight against corruption within the boundaries of the province of Quebec. UPAC can tackle corruption through prevention, audit or investigation. According to the Anti-corruption Act (2011), this specialised police force is also responsible for receive and addressing all reports of corruption, collusion, or other linked wrongdoings. But what happens when a citizen reports a wrongful act? What is the process that was elaborated by UPAC to handle this information and determine the best way to tackle the problematic? Is UPAC acting alone? What are UPAC’s responsibilities in terms of whistleblower’s protection?
UPAC relies on the expertise of plural teams coming from various organisations (ministries, police forces, etc). Every team is consulted in order to strategize and determine the best approach to fight any corruption issue.

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