A Culture of Preparedness: Fostering Prevention and Values

Prof. Dr. Alexander Siedschlag
The Pennsylvania State University (Penn State)

The presentation explores, from a multi-disciplinary perspective, how cultural factors (defined as knowledge and interpretation, common symbols, action repertories, and normative values) affect preparedness in the fields of homeland security/home affairs with a focus in crime prevention as part of the preparedness cycle. Using examples from the U.S. Home-land Security Enterprise (form different areas such as such as countering violent extremism, border security and management, mass shooting events, cyber security culture, first-responder cultures, and resilience), the presentation will also make comparisons to the European Security Model and European Union approaches. The presentation will conclude summarizing practical recommendations to address cultural challenges in prevention missions, including fostering values and communities while focusing on prevention efforts, as they derive from recent research.
Extract from the book
(English, PDF)


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