Smart Prevention: The Scottish Restorative Justice and recent research findings - a model for Europe?!

Petra Guder
Transatlantischer Dialog/GMAD e. V.
Professor Joanna Shapland
University of Sheffield

Restorative Justice procedures have shown the effect to be more accepted and found more helpful by both, the offenders and the victims, specially the effect that justice was just . The presentation was a contribution to the knowledge exchange programme, ‘Developing restorative justice in Scotland’, led by the University of Edinburgh and University of Strathclyde, and funded by the Scottish Universities Insight Institute.
Some of the evaluation results:

-Significant decrease in the frequency of reconvictions over a following period of 2 years

-No significant effects on the severity of reconvictions, or whether or not reconvicted

-All JRC groups (conferencing9 summed together, showed a significantly lower cost of convictions versus the control groups (mediation did not).

-Conferencing is value for money: The money saved through preventing reoffending was much more than the cost of running the scheme in all three areas (8 times more saved than the costs, overall.

-No significant results pointing towards any criminogenic effects

=Restorative Justice does not make people worse - Restorative Justice is smart prevention.
Restorative Justice: the research evidence and implications for Scotland - Joanna Shapland

(Deutsch, Video)


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verwandte Schlüsselbegriffe

Smart Prevention Juvenile Justice Reform