Smart Prevention: Human Rights meets Restorative Justice

Prof. Dr. Howard Zehr
Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA (USA)

The language of criminalization is the language of political exclusion, tends to policies of exclusion, divisiveness, polarization; also stiffens resolve of perpetrators, by avoiding this, amesties can lead to long-term peacebuilding.

HR often assumes a universial conception of what is human and what is right. But how do we define HR – how “western” is the concept – based in the individualistic worldview – on a simplistic free will concept of human action? Focus on individual decisions doesn’t take account of the full context of human action. A full understanding of the dynamics of human behavior requires that we recognize the extent and limits of personal, situational and systemic power suggesting a humility that we need to keep in mind.

Restorative Justice is a relational understanding of wrongdoing and justice, that tries to balance concern and respect for all parties, recognizing the humanity and needs of all with underlying values: A relational/responsibility grounding more than an individual one. This approach may require us to define rights in less individualistic, more relational terms. Is Restorative Justice, emphasizing on repair and responsibility, a third way between Crime control orientation, emphasizing on order and security on one hand and due process orientation, emphazising to prevent misuse of the punishment system on the other?


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verwandte Schlüsselbegriffe

Smart Prevention Prevention Restorative Justice