Criminal Policy in Sweden – from rehabilitation to prison?
Annalena Yngborn
Deutsches Jugendinstitut e.V.
German Youth Institute - Centre for the Prevention of Youth Crime
While taking a highly liberal position on this matter during the second half of the 20th century, the Swedish criminal policy is today on its way back to a view which is compa-ratively much more conservative. Signs of this change can be clearly seen if you look at the Swedish prison system: the data about people sitting in prison has risen continuously since the end of 1990 and parallel to that the statistics show that these people are sen-tenced to a much longer imprisonment than before. Due to an amendment of the Swedish penal law in 2006 and 2007 there had been changes in the prisons themselves, too: when the Swedish Parliament had passed in a first step partly new forms of releases, the dele-gates enacted in a second step new rules relating to the organization of the Swedish pris-on system. These clauses imply restrictions for the prison inmates rather explicitly.
The presentation tries to give an overview of this change inside the Swedish criminal pol-icy during the last ten years. Furthermore the contribution attempts to give some possible explanations for this turnabout. In the end it could be interesting to discuss to which ex-tent these explanations – which mostly reach over the field of mere criminal policy – are appropriate. Another question is, if it is possible to draw conclusions out of the Swedish situation which could be applied to the German system.
The presentation tries to give an overview of this change inside the Swedish criminal pol-icy during the last ten years. Furthermore the contribution attempts to give some possible explanations for this turnabout. In the end it could be interesting to discuss to which ex-tent these explanations – which mostly reach over the field of mere criminal policy – are appropriate. Another question is, if it is possible to draw conclusions out of the Swedish situation which could be applied to the German system.
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