Zu dem EU-Projekt Cutting Crime Impact (CCI) bietet das DPT-I eine mehrteilige Prävinar-Reihe in englischer Sprache. Im Zeitraum März bis Dezember 2021 gibt es jeden Monat ein Online-Seminar aus dieser Reihe. Es werden die dort entwickelten Toolkits zur Prävention von Alltagskriminalität und die innovative methodische Forschungspraxis des Projektes vorgestellt. Sie finden hier die Dokumentation der bisherigen Prävinare mit den Aufzeichnungen, Präsentation und ausführlichen Informationen.
>> CCI-Abschluss-Konferenz am 24. & 25. November 2021 - Link zum Live-Stream
>> Zu den CCI-Prävinaren #8 und #9
CCI-Prävinar #7 am Mittwoch, 22. September 2021, von 16 bis 17 Uhr (CEST) Cutting Crime Impact — The Dutch touch: a problem-oriented approach to High Impact Crime (ProHIC) Aufzeichnung in unserem YouTube-Kanal oder weiter unten, nach dem Text.
Die Vortragspräsentation wird in Kürze hier zur Verfügung gestellt. |
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High Impact Crime (HIC) such as violent assault, robbery and burglary impact negatively on citizens and their communities. As part of the EU funded Cutting Crime Impact project ( a comprehensive, problem-oriented approach to HIC has been developed in the Netherlands by the national police, ministry, municipalities and a private research and consultancy bureau. This approach is called ProHIC. It provides methods and solutions to address HIC through a detailed manual, support materials and evidence-based ‘pearls of knowledge’ all available on
The approach outlines a practical process for police, local authorities, residents and entrepreneurs to tackle High Impact Crime together. It starts with a thorough analysis of the problem by all stakeholders to determine precisely what the problem is, before deciding on the appropriate intervention. Defining and analysing the problem is key to the efficacy of a collaborative solution. ProHIC guides the stakeholders through the collaborative process from problem identification (scanning and analysis) to developing an action plan and evaluating it. It supports the police, relevant local and national authorities, residents and businesses to reduce and, where possible, prevent these crimes from happening.
Referent*innen / Speakers
Armando Jongejan MSc studied at the University of Amsterdam. Armando Jongejan started working at the National Police of the Netherlands as a project, process, information and innovation manager. Today he is head of a Business Intelligence Division. Since 1995 he is involved with Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design. He has presented at numerous European and USA CPTED seminars and conferences and has written several international articles about the Dutch Police Label Secure Housing.
Paul van Soomeren is founder of the Amsterdam based research and consultancy bureau DSP ( Paul van Soomeren worked at the national Bureau of Crime Prevention in the Netherlands for several years and is considered an international expert in Crime Prevention, specifically in Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED). At the moment Paul van Soomeren works on standardisation of CPTED and participates in the projects like Secu4All, the European Urban Agenda and Cutting Crime Impact.
CCI-Prävinar #6 am Mittwoch, 8. September 2021, 16-17 Uhr (CEST)
Cutting Crime Impact — Police analysis and communication tool to support effective mit Maurice Illi & Dr Chiara Ryffel
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"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw
As part of the EU-funded Cutting Crime Impact (CCI) project, the State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) in Lower Saxony, Germany, investigated the implementation and front-line use of Predictive Policing with the aim to identify issues and address shortcomings. Researchers conducted observation and interview research into the use of the LKA's PreMAP predictive system by police officers. Findings revealed that predictive data was not being used as it was not provided in a way that met the needs of officers. In addition, research found that PreMAP data was just one of many types of information that needed to be provided more systematically to officers in daily patrol briefings and shared between shifts. Observational research highlighted the fact that shortcomings in the implementation of PreMAP were not simply due to the technology, but to relevant information not being communicated in a way that supported officers in their patrolling duties.
From these insights, the LKA researchers designed and developed their PATROL Tool. This Tool is tailored to the local policing context, and includes various elements that support comprehensive information processing and more effective internal communication, enabling an intelligence-enhanced approach to patrolling.
Maurice Illi will present the PATROL tool, discussing the research that led to its development, how it works and how it supports police officers to more effectively receive, share and use information.
Dr Chiara Ryffel will present on the critical importance of information in decision-making and taking effective action. She will discuss how poor communication and a lack of information in High Reliability Organisations (HRO) can result in inadequate actions that in turn lead to critical incidents. The more precise and comprehensive information is, the better a situation can be assessed and appropriate action identified and taken. This is especially important in emergency situations where decisions and actions must be taken speedily. By focusing on providing employees with the information, resources and equipment they need, organisations can better create and enhance safety.
Referent*innen / Speakers
Maurice Illi is a sociologist and works as a consultant for urban security at Basler & Hofmann AG in Zurich. Since 2021, he has been involved in the EU-funded Cutting Crime Impact (CCI) project at the Competence Center for Urban Security (KURBAS) at the State Office of Criminal Investigation (LKA) in Lower Saxony, Germany. From 2014 to 2016, he was a private lecturer in sociology, social policy and social work at the University of Fribourg. From 2007 to 2020, he was security manager of the city of Lucerne and, among other things, project manager of the Lucerne security reports. He has extensive experience in solving conflicts of use in public spaces.
Dr Chiara Ryffel works as a psychologist and human factors specialist in an assessment centre for High Reliability Organisations (HRO) at the Centre for Diagnostics, Traffic and Safety Psychology (ZDVS) at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). Previously, she was a lecturer, research associate and project manager at the Centre for Aviation (ZAV) at ZHAW where she conducted research in the field of human performance and developed simulation-based training for HROs.
CCI-Prävinar #5 Aufzeichnung in unserem YouTube-Kanal Präsentation Dr. Anke Schröder & Melanie Schlüter Präsentation Prof. Dr. Jan Üblacker |
Prof Dr Jan Üblacker will open the webinar with an urban sociological perspective: “Starting from a vacuum created by restructuring police authorities and their areas of responsibility, many major German cities established or expanded municipal public order services, which resemble the appearance of state police forces, but have different tasks, competences, and resources. As their practical orientation is influenced much more by local politics, public opinion and spatial distribution of disorder, questions arise on how these city-specific cultures of control are related to neighbourhood change.”
Afterwards Melanie Schlüter and Dr Anke Schröder will present INSIGHT, a tool which delves into subjective safety and security. Factors like public opinion or the spatial distribution of disorder in a neighborhood affect the perception of safety of citizens and create complex challenges for state and municipal actors. Subjective security in urban spaces requires knowledge about the emergence and effects of fear of crime and about the design and use of public space. Results are prepared for implementation in such a way that these can be used by crime prevention practitioners. Within the context of the international EU project Cutting Crime Impact (CCI), the INSIGHT tool was developed to enable these actors to measure and - if possible - mitigate citizens' feelings of insecurity and fear of crime. Following the human-centered design approach, the tool is intended to provide a holistic, spatial and systematic process for measuring perceptions of (in)security and focuses on the perspective and demands of the users.
Referent*innen / Speakers
Melanie Schlüter is a sociologist and educational scientist. She currently works as a research associate at the Criminological Research (KFS) of the State Office for Criminal Investigation of Lower Saxony in the Cutting Crime Impact project. Here she works on measuring and mitigating citizens' feelings of insecurity and fear of crime. Her original background is in radicalisation and extremism research. Until mid-2020, she worked at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence at Bielefeld University on several projects on the topics of radicalisation and extremism, as well as on youth and socialisation.
Prof Dr Jan Üblacker is Professor for Housing and Neighbourhood Development at the EBZ Business School, University of Applied Science in Bochum/Germany. His research focuses on urban sociology, social inequality, housing and gentrification.
As an architectural sociologist Dr Anke Schröder is responsible for the Centre of Competence of Urban Security in the Criminological Research at the State Office for Criminal Investigation of Lower Saxony. She is involved in several international and national research projects in the field of crime prevention in urban design and planning. Her interest is to bring research approaches into daily practice of police and planning and abroad.
CCI-Prävinar #4 Aufzeichnung in unserem YouTube-Kanal |
Determining objectively the level of insecurity is very hard to do with no correlation between actual risks, offences and the perception of security. This is despite the efforts of many academics and practitioners who have stressed that the existence of an objective security has to be dealt with. Low levels of security incidents can coincide with feelings of insecurity. These feelings of insecurity are relevant, as they can impact on everyday life. People that feel unsafe tend to isolate, to avoid common spaces and become consequently more unsafe. Authorities should tackle outbreaks that lead to feelings of insecurity regardless of the level of the incident. Low levels of subjective security constitute a public problem because it can cause cities to decline. It is important to understand the grounds that make people feel unsafe and how different societal groups are affected by it. Otherwise, authorities won’t be able to employ adequate measures to reverse the situation, as they won’t be aware that they should target specific people and places.
In this webinar we will introduce two instruments devised to check the perceptions of insecurity in different areas/groups:
We will look at the Ministry of Interior of Catalonia, within the framework of the Cutting Crime Impact (CCI) Project, who have created the toolkit “Perception matters”. It is a practical guide to orientate practitioners, firstly in the detection of the grounds of insecurity outbreaks and, secondly, to provide adequate responses that can tackle problems. It is based on the principle that everything that makes people unsafe should be tackled, regardless of if it is a crime, incivilities or disorders.
The structure of the CPTED ‘Cloud of Dreams’ workshop will also be described, as well as the main historical milestones from its inception in 2006 to the present day, and the types of information obtained from its application. ‘Cloud of Dreams’ is thought to give a voice to both boys and girls in the Latin American and Caribbean Region regarding their environmental preferences, needs and possibilities for urban intervention. This allows the perceptions of the young population are taken into account in urban planning.
Referent*innen / Speakers
Dr Francesc Guillén Lasierra is Head of Projects and Organisation at the Catalan Ministry of Interior (as from 2004). He has been Executive Director of CIFAL Barcelona (2007-2009) and member of the Steering Committee of the Platform Police for Urban Development (January—December 2010). Lecturer on Constitutional Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Open University of Catalonia as from 1989 and 1999. Lecturer on “Police and Security” at the UAB Criminology Studies and the Open University of Catalonia from 2010 to 2019. Honoris Causa Doctor by the Mexican Society of Criminology. He has published numerous articles and books.
Dr Macarena Rau Vargas is President of the International CPTED Association (ICA); Architect, Magister and PHD in Architecture and Urbanism. Has extensive experience leading Urban Security Projects and Initiatives, both public and private, in Chile and in various countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Specialist in the CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) methodology with proven success in diagnosis, design, execution and evaluation of Violence and Crime Prevention projects from an Environmental perspective.
CCI-Prävinar #3 |
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One of the main challenges in community policing (CP) relates to the need to build safer neighbourhoods through the establishment of effective and trustful relationships between police and citizens. The model of community policing in Lisbon, applied by the Lisbon Municipal Police (LMP) since 2009, has been built from the involvement of local partners and citizens in safety partnerships and their active participation in the planning process of putting in place CP projects in Lisbon neighbourhoods. This policing model is challenging both to the partnership as well as to police organization since it requires a long term engagement by community as well as the internal support from the police organisation to a model of policing often seen as social work rather than “real” police work.
The webinar will first provide an overview of typical challenges for community policing, framing the model used in Lisbon, in contrast to policing models throughout the Anglophone world, for its specificities in facing those challenges. Then, the webinar will focus on the results of the research carried out by the LMP under the EU-funded Project Cutting Crime Impact (CCI). The findings revealed the need for senior level police engagement in the planning process of CP, and the tool "Lisbon Community Policing - Safer Communities" was developed. This tool contains a set of specific communication and planning instruments designed to support and engage key decisionmakers in CP delivery.
Referent*innen / Speakers
Mónica Diniz is a sociologist, Head of the Prevention, Security and International Relations of the Lisbon Municipal Police. Monica has a Masters in Sociology and Planning and has been developing her work in the area of Police-Citizen cooperation with a main focus on the implementation of bottom-up collective approaches for crime-prevention and community policing projects. Monica has been working on the methodological transferability of the community policing model both in national and international contexts, namely in cooperation with the Council of Europe. She participates in projects on international cooperation in the field of Community Policing, Crime Prevention through Urban Design & Planning and Intercultural approach on security and safety issues. Monica also trains CP officers and is co-author of several publications on Community Policing.
Simone Tulumello is assistant research professor at the University of Lisbon, Institute of Social Sciences. Simone's research interests span at the border between planning research, human geography and critical urban studies; security, fear and urban violence; housing policy and politics; austerity and neoliberal urban policy; Southern European and Southern US cities. In particular, Simone is interested on how local security policymaking - including approaches to policing - is shaped at the intersection of political traditions, neoliberalisation of policy and multilevel institutional arrangements. His first monograph, Fear, Space and Urban Planning: A Critical Perspective from Southern Europe, was published in 2017 by Springer.
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CCI-Prävinar #2 |
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Effective community engagement is critical to neighbourhood policing: it provides scope for officers and staff to establish collaborative relationships with citizens and partners, gain knowledge of a local area and address its security issues. Officers and staff often work within the same neighbourhood for several years. During this time, they build key connections in their community and acquire unique knowledge of the local area, its residents, its issues and dynamics. When neighbourhood officers and staff move to another post and leave their local area, this unique resource of knowledge and relationships leaves with them. At frontline level, turnover can compromise local knowledge and jeopardise trust relationships with citizens and partners.
Following an overview of neighbourhood policing within the wider UK context, this webinar will focus on the experience of Greater Manchester Police (GMP), one of the police organisations involved in the EU-funded Cutting Crime Impact (CCI).
As part of the CCI, GMP has worked on researching and developing an evidence-based Tool in neighbourhood policing, by adopting a human-centred design approach. This webinar will discuss the research carried out by GMP and it will present the "Community Connect" Tool, a handover protocol specifically designed for neighbourhood policing roles.
The webinar will also share insights gained through the CCI experience into the challenges police forces face in ensuring continuity of community engagement and maintaining long-term commitment to neighbourhood policing.
Referentinnen / Speakers
Dr Megan O’Neill is a Reader in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Dundee and an Associate Director of the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR). Her work focuses on aspects of police culture, stop and search, community policing, public sector pluralisation in policing and surveillance practices of the state.
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CCI-Prävinar #1 Aufzeichnung in unserem YouTube-Kanal |
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The delivery of security appears increasingly dominated by technology-focused solutions derived from technology-centred thinking. While there is debate on the relevant merits of 'soft' and 'hard' security approaches, the truth is that, depending on the context, delivering everyday security — for example, through effective policing — requires both. Tension exists between a need for humanised, community-oriented and collaborative approaches to constructing security and the top-down, increasingly technology-driven desire to 'militarise' policing.
Davey and Wootton share insights gained over the last two decades in using a human-centred design approach to tackling issues of security. Their EU-funded project Cutting Crime Impact (CCI) has developed new Tools to support police process and system improvements — from the training, briefing and management of police officers to the delivery of crime prevention advice. Davey and Wootton will discuss how a more human-centred approach has enabled a rethinking and reframing of problems previously described from a top-down perspective, so as to better meet the needs of end-users, be they police, policymakers or citizens.
Referent*innen / Speakers
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Professor Caroline Davey and Andrew Wootton are co-directors of the Design Against Crime Solution Centre — a unique design research partnership with Greater Manchester Police, the Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen (DE) and DSP-groep b.v. (NL). For the past 20 years, Caroline and Andrew have led research into the use of evidence-based design to create human-centred product and service solutions to societal challenges. They are currently leading the €3m European Commission funded research programme Cutting Crime Impact (CCI). CCI is working with six law enforcement agencies across Europe — including the Dutch and Estonian national police forces, Lisbon Police, German police in Lower Saxony and Spanish police in Catalonia. Over a period of three years CCI will research and develop products / services that address high impact crime and security issues. The project will also embed human-centred product development capability within project partner organisations ( In collaboration with key stakeholders and industry partners, Caroline and Andrew led the research and product development work that resulted in ProtectED Community Interest Company (CIC)—a design-led social enterprise that seeks to improve the safety, security and wellbeing of university students by raising standards across the higher education sector ( Caroline and Andrew have published widely on the use of human-centred design to address issues related to social responsibility, and were invited to author a volume of Gower's seminal Socially Responsible Design series. Design Against Crime: A human-centred approach to safety and security outlines the development of Design Against Crime in the UK, and its wider impact on design research, practice and policy across Europe.
Dienstag, 30. Juni 2020, 16 bis 17 Uhr
Thema: Cutting Crime Impact: Theorien der Kriminalprävention im Praxistest
(Praxisorientierte Innovationen der Kriminalprävention zur Eindämmung von Alltagskriminalität und Stärkung des Sicherheitsgefühls)
Referierende: Dr. Anke Schröder und Maximilian Querbach (LKA Niedersachsen)
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Wie kann theoretisches Wissen für die Praxis nutzbar gemacht werden und wie kommuniziert die Praxis Anforderungen an wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen? An dieser Schnittstelle arbeitet die kriminologische Forschungsstelle des LKA Niedersachsen im EU- geförderte Projekt Cutting Crime Impact. Mit einem „human-oriented design-thinking Ansatz“ werden Bedarfe aus der Polizei mit Theorien der Kriminalprävention im Praxistest verbunden. Untersuchungsgegenstand des LKA ist der Einsatz von Predictive Policing und die Frage danach, wie das Sicherheitsempfinden der Bevölkerung von der Polizei adressiert werden kann.
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Dr. Ing. Anke Schröder ist verantwortlich für das Kompetenzzentrum Urbane Sicherheit in der Kriminologischen Forschung und Statistik des LKA Niedersachsen. Die promovierte Architektursoziologin forscht anwendungsorientiert und erstellt Arbeitshilfen und Ratgeber für die Praxis rund um die urbane Sicherheit. |
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Maximilian Querbach ist studierter Soziologe und Kriminologe und seit 2019 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter beim Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen verantwortlich für die Erarbeitung kriminalpräventiver Ansätze im Bereich des Predictive Policing und der Konzeption von Maßnahmen zur Verminderung von Alltagskriminalität sowie der Stärkung des öffentlichen Sicherheitsgefühls im EU-Projekt „Cutting Crime Impact“.
Dienstag, 9. Juni 2020, 16 bis 17 Uhr
Thema: Big Data zur COVID-19 Prävention – sinnvoll oder problematisch?
Referenten: Dr. Oskar J. Gstrein / Dr. Sebastian J. Golla
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In Zeiten einer Pandemie sind Daten essenziell. Ihre Verwendung macht es möglich, komplexe Zusammenhänge zu verstehen, sie zu kontrollieren und sich auf Ereignisse in der Zukunft vorzubereiten. Allerdings hat die Sammlung, Auswertung und Speicherung großer Datenmengen auch ihren Preis. Zunächst werden individuelle und kollektive Autonomie stark eingeschränkt. Längerfristig stellt sich die Frage nach Schutzmechanismen, welche den Missbrauch jener Systeme und Apps verhindern, die gegenwärtig hastig entwickelt und implementiert werden. Ist die Verwendung von „Big Data“ zur COVID-19 Prävention vor diesem Hintergrund sinnvoll? Wie kann diese gelingen?
Dr. Oskar J. Gstrein ist Assistenzprofessor am Campus Fryslân der Universität Groningen in den Niederlanden. Er hat Jura und Philisophie in Innsbruck studiert und am Europa-Institut in Saarbrücken zum Thema „Das Recht auf Vergessenwerden als Menschenrecht“ promoviert. Seine Forschung ist dem Thema „Menschenwürde im digitalen Zeitalter“ gewidmet. |
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Dr. Sebastian J. Golla, geboren 1988 in Bonn, studierte Rechtswissenschaften in Münster und Santiago de Chile. 2015 promovierte er an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin im Strafrecht zu dem Thema „Die Straf- und Bußgeldtatbestände der Datenschutzgesetze“. Von 2012 bis 2015 war er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Seit November 2016 ist er wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter von Prof. Dr. Matthias Bäcker an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Seine Forschungsinteressen liegen unter anderem im Sicherheitsrecht, Informationsstrafrecht und Datenschutzrecht. |