Die Internationalen „Daily Prevention News“ des Deutschen Präventionstages im Januar 2024
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Nachfolgend finden sich die Links zu den im Vormonat veröffentlichten DAILY PREVENTION NEWS in englischer Sprache:
31.01.: Emotional problems in young people were rising rapidly even before the pandemic
30.01.: Ceasefire, Oakland’s gun violence prevention program
29.01.: European Crime Prevention Conference 2024
27.01.: Rising organized crime in Cyprus
26.01.: EU Knowledge Hub for the Protection of Public Space
24.01.: The Spatial Scale of Crime: Consequences for Ecological Studies of Crime
23.01.: Game Changers 2023: The Cocaine Flash-to-Bang in 2024
21.01.: Dark web fentanyl-selling operations have grown rapidly
20.01.: New research sheds light on incel community’s connection to mass violence
19.01.: Trauma, Adversity & Violent Extremism: A Systematic Review
17.01.: How disinformation is undermining our cities
16.01.: Global Risks Report 2024
15.01.: Eucrim: European Law Forum
14.01.: The Moskitia: The Honduran Jungle Drowning in Cocaine
13.01.: Gang Violence Explodes in Ecuador
12.01.: Public safety comes from curbing violence, not just reacting to it
11.01.: Save the date! Efus’ 8th International Security, Democracy & Cities conference
10.01.: KrimDok: Online bibliographical reference system for criminological literature
09.01.: ICA WEBINAR: CPTED and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs)
08.01.: Why do some men commit domestic violence? Trauma and social isolation may play a role
07.01.: Fraud is a problem so big we need to start teaching children how to spot it in schools
06.01.: Where You Live Matters: How Racism Is Interrelated With Poor Health
05.01.: Men and women who hold sexist views are less responsive as parents: new research
04.01.: Straw men in organised property crime: using the administrative approach
03.01.: Safe Digital City - How online Hate travels to physical streets
02.01.: Online hate: we need to improve content moderation to effectively tackle hate speech